#City & Town Planning
United States of America

Macy’s and international development company Brookfield Properties have designed plans for a mixed-use development on the department store’s Manhasset property. The plan includes three apartment complexes, a full-service hotel, an office building and additional retail and dining space.

Manhasset population is 8000 people (not homes). 355 rental units will potentially house between 1100 to 1400 new residents. This could result in approximately 15% increase in population to infrastructure and schools via a single development.

The additional potential residents would also add to the already congested local roads particularly during morning and afternoon hours.

Financial hardship on existing homeowners and residents. The potential impact of adding 500 new children to schools at a cost of $26,200 per child is over 13 million in educational cost.

Your signing this petition as a concerned citizen of Manhasset that this proposal presented by Brookfield properties should not be granted permission to have the location be re-zoned from Commercial to Residential as our current infrastructure cannot sustain the logistical problems this project would present.

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The Stop the Re-Zoning of Macy's from Commercial to Residential use. petition to Manhasset was written by Anonymous and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.