- Target:
- Government Organisation
- Region:
- India
- Website:
- www.facebook.com
The government is about to import some nuclear, these nuclear had not been tested by the countries from where it is been imported, The nuclear could be dangerous if it been brought untested. the Place where it is been put up, has also not been conducted environmental impact assessment.
Our only request is to conduct the proper assessment as to loss of the ecology and environment. if there is any damage it could not be able to measure the consequences. This raises concerns about the safety of people around the plant.
The government is going to import untested nuclear reactors from the French nuclear corporation Areva. Areva has a dirty track record of nuclear contamination in the countries where their plants were functional like the La Hague facility in Europe.
Moreover, the location for this reactor is on a high earthquake zone which has been ignored by the environmental impact assessment. The only request is to put the people safety first and personal interest second.
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The Stop the import of dangerous nuclear reactors to India petition to Government Organisation was written by green yatra and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.