Various Municipal and Provincial authorities and organizations

Hidden Quarry Rockwood Application - James Dick Construction Ltd.

Why should you sign this petition to halt the proposed Hidden Quarry? This overview provides FIVE reasons from an ever-expanding list of significant concerns.

GROUNDWATER: Peer review of the applicant’s submissions for re-zoning of the proposed site to permit quarry operations by R. J. Burnside & Associates has raised significant concerns about the impact of below-water-table blasting on fragile rock and groundwater resources, which feed wells in the area of the site in Guelph-Eramosa and downstream watercourses in Nassagaweya. The applicant’s operation of the Dolime Quarry in Guelph has resulted in fracture of the aquitard by blasting and resulting contamination of groundwater.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The proposed site is currently a managed woodlot with a significant wetland and resulting natural habitat. Guelph-Eramosa Township has a documented deficit in tree cover which will be exacerbated by destruction of this woodlot. In addition to possible groundwater contamination, dust from aggregate extraction and processing operations is a potential health hazard, and noise pollution will undoubtedly intrude on life in this area.

BLASTING DAMAGE: There is considerable reason arising from similar operations elsewhere to be concerned about vibration damage to homes within a radius that reaches well into Rockwood Village and other proximate areas. Home insurance does not typically cover this kind of damage and the only recourse by the homeowner to secure compensation for damage would be to the quarry operator. "Fly rock" from blasts gone bad could easily land on Highway #7 & county roads.

PROPERTY VALUE DEPRECIATION: Because of efforts by PitSense Caledon, MPAC has ruled that the 2013 property assessment will apply a 4% reduction in assessment for properties abutting operating or proposed quarries, 2% for properties within 1000 m. While the dollar impact may be arguable, the principle that quarries negatively impact property values has been established.

TRAFFIC IMPACT: The applicant has stated that on average 26 trucks per hour will travel to and from the quarry with the haul route being Hwy 7 through Acton to Regional Road 25. There is no assurance that haul routes in the future will not be west through Rockwood towards the Guelph-Kitchener Hwy 7 construction site, nor south along the Nassagaweya lines to avoid Acton. The safety hazard, noise and stone damage potential of this kind and quantity of traffic is self-evident.

Hidden Quarry Petition

WHEREAS considerable evidence exists that the proposed quarry presents serious and significant threats to:
• Groundwater structures and the wells drawing from the aquifer that passes through the proposed site;
• The natural environment due to the loss of a significant woodlot, habitat, and wetland resources, air pollution from processing dust, and noise from processing operations/
• Damage to nearby homes and buildings due to vibration from below-water-table blasting;
• Depreciation of property values for homes in the surrounding areas;
• Noise and threats to safety from excessive gravel truck traffic on haul routes through built-up areas in Rockwood, Guelph-Eramosa, Nassagaweya, and the Town of Acton;

WE the undersigned CONCERNED CITIZENS urge our leaders to act to
• Reject the application to re-zone the proposed quarry site from Agricultural to Industrial/Aggregate Extraction
• Reject the application for a quarry operations licence under the Aggregate Resources Act.

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The STOP the Hidden Quarry petition to Various Municipal and Provincial authorities and organizations was written by Concerned Residents Coalition and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.