- Target:
- Adelaide Hills Council
- Region:
- Australia
- Website:
- animalliberation.org.au
This petition is now closed. I will let everyone know the outcome of the council's decision.
Thanks for your support.
Rodeos are an inherently cruel event, or ‘sport’ as its supporters would have you believe. Around 4000 horses and bulls are used in the over 600 rodeos held around Australia each year, in addition to an unknown number of calves and steers which result in animals being brutalised, tormented, injured and sometimes killed.
In South Australia the horses, bulls and steers are provoked into displaying violent behaviours as they try to throw off or run away from their tormentors and as a reaction to the use of flank straps, electric cattle prods and spurs.
Flank straps are pulled tightly across the animal’s underbelly near their genital area which is tightened as the chute gate is opened. The animals then buck in a hopeless attempt to escape the pressure. The strap is pulled so tightly that horses frequently exhibit open sores on their flanks caused by the strap. While the flank strap itself causes pain, the violent bucking that it induces can cause severe injuries and even fatalities.
Horses do not stop bucking when they have thrown their rider, but only once the irritating strap is loosened. This contradicts statements by rodeo supporters that these animals buck naturally as it evident that they need to be provoked into displaying this behaviour and bucking events cannot be held without this strap.
In steer-wrestling, a ‘hazer’ keeps the steer running in a straight line while a second mounted cowboy chases the steer, then grabs him by the horns and forcibly twists the steer's neck and slams him to the ground. The steers have their necks twisted so severely, they are forced to the ground by extreme pain and fear. They fall heavily and are often twisted and flipped on their backs, sometimes somersaulting headfirst and falling in a tangled heap. This can cause muscle, tendon and spinal injuries and well as considerable pain and trauma. In steer roping, the rider lassoes the horns of a galloping steer, then circles him on horseback to pull the rope tight around his legs until he crashes to the ground.
Rodeos in South Australia are governed by the Animal Welfare Act 1985 and the Animal Welfare Regulations 2000. However, there are very few inspectors to attend and monitor the rodeos therefore participants breaking the law are rarely charged and the abuse continues.
At the end of the day, rodeos are vile displays of human ‘domination’ over frightened and hurting animals and have no place in a civilised society and it’s time they were banned altogether.
We the undersigned object to the “Rodeo and Family Fun Day” planned for Lobethal on the 17th November 2012.
Tormenting and provoking unwilling animals into displaying unnatural behaviours can cause serious injuries and death.
It is for these reasons that rodeos have been banned in the UK, the Netherlands and in several States and jurisdictions in the USA.
We feel that events containing animal cruelty have no place in a civilised society and respectfully request you do not allow this rodeo to go ahead.
The Stop the Adelaide Hills Rodeo petition to Adelaide Hills Council was written by Natalie Holman and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.