- Target:
- World Wrestling Federation
- Region:
He just keeps on going! He just takes all this punishment then pops up like a superhero and Rock Bottom's his opponent, to win the match! He has only got a bout 5 or 6 moves, he should be a manager because of his good mic skills, but not a wCw/WWF Champion!
He has been the WWF champion more times than anyone in history! If he main events at the next WresleMaina, then he will have for the last 3/4 years! Please sign this and help the anti-Rock campaign.
We, the undersigned, agree that the Rock should no longer be the largest figure in the WWF, as he is not as good as some of the younger talent in the Federation. We think he should have a position using his charisma and microphone skills out of the competing league, such as a manger.
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The Stop pushing the Rock! petition to World Wrestling Federation was written by Stephen Farrington and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.