#Animal Welfare
Avon, Colorado Town Council
United States of America

Puppy and kitten mills house thousands of animals. The USDA "governs" these mills but the regulations are so lax that owners can keep dogs in cages only 6 inches larger than the dogs. The cages are mesh or wire and stacked on one another so animals above defecate and urinate on the ones below. The animals are not required to ever be let out of the cages. Some animals never learn to walk because they are kept in these small cages their whole lives. They are not required to interact with humans or other animals. They are not provided with adequate veterinary care so many have horrible health problems. When the animals are no longer of use to the owners, usually at about five years old, they can dispose of the animals in any fashion they chose. Some admit to shooting the animals in the head at close range. These animals also produce sick puppies and kittens that are then sold in pet stores. Pet stores keep these mills in business as pet stores buy from the mills. By banning the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores, you effectively help shut down puppy mills. We want towns to pass an ordinance banning the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores.

We, the undersigned, ask the Town Council of Avon, CO. to pass an ordinance banning the sale of puppies and kittens in pet stores.

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The STOP PUPPY MILLS! petition to Avon, Colorado Town Council was written by Joyce Cohen and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

puppy mills kitten mills