- Target:
- People wanting to ban refugees
- Region:
- Canada
Petitions like http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/limit-the-immigration-of-refugees-to-canada.html only serve to make Canadians look like a bunch of xenophobes and bigots.
Unlike the claim in that petition, our economy is not "quickly failing". The OECD is predicting growth in the Canadian economy of 1%. That is slow, but nonetheless growth, not failure. Even the big banks' economic forecasts are predicting Q4 growth and that the drop in unemployment rates from September to October will continue.
A nation, unlike an individual, can multitask. We can effectively help our veterans, homeless, health care, and education systems at the same time as we help refugees fleeing violence and oppression elsewhere on the planet.
We do not need xenophobic petitions that are based on fear-mongering and lies!
I promise to not sign petitions banning refugees. Canada is a rich G8 nation built by immigration from all parts of the globe, and with a history of welcoming new citizens from all nations.
I promise to keep Canada open and empathetic, helpful and proud!
The Stop Petitions for Banning of Reugees petition to People wanting to ban refugees was written by Cory Albrecht and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.