Brooklyn NY
United States of America

Registered nurses are assigned to certain units in an institution. They have the responsibility of the unit and certain assignments that needed to be done.

Lately, Management, who are registered nurses have the option to move - assign registered nurses to other units for their conveniences. They do not want the responsibility of taking an admission, so even if the nurses started their assignment on the unit they are being asked to move in the middle of the assignment to go start a new one on another unit.

We would like management to respect our positions and not floating us in the middle of our assignments.

We, the undersigned, call upon management and the union to work with us respectfully and not floating us in the middle of our assignments, and using threating words like "you have no choice".

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The Stop nurse abuse petition to Brooklyn NY was written by Rose-marie and is in the category Employment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

nurse floating