Dan Malloy - Governor for the state of Connecticut
United States of America

The American government, along with the United Kingdom, are advancing a naval strikeforce and other military equipment and personnel towards Syria, in anticipation of a military engagement and this, regardless of international laws or any United Nations decree.

We, the undersigned, formally request The Honorable Dan Malloy, and all other elected officials within the state of Connecticut, to openly denounce military advances on Syria prior to any decree by the United Nations in that regard.

Specifically, we urge the Connecticut state government to publicly inform the president, Barack Obama, and UK's David Cameron that we do not support any action being taken at this time.

Additionally, we urge all the leaders and the people of every civilized nation of the world to do the same.

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The Stop military advances on Syria - Connecticut petition to Dan Malloy - Governor for the state of Connecticut was written by Exercite and is in the category Government at GoPetition.