British Council Uganda


English is the official language in Uganda. In offices, it is the official language of communication and in schools, it is the primary language of instruction and examination both primary, secondary and post-secondary education. Ugandan students write their exams in English and all school certificates and transcripts are written in English. English is also a core subject at both Primary level and Ordinary level of secondary school which one is required to pass with at least a credit 6 grade (50%). At advanced level of secondary school, besides literature, English still is a requirement albeit in a different form known as General Paper, where critical thinking, general knowledge and the ability to comprehend and express oneself in English are examined.

Key to note is that this system of Education is a British system which was handed down to Uganda with the presumption that once an individual goes through all or most of the system (up to Ordinary level at least). They are suitably qualified to now pursue a trade in the formally corresponding institution of higher learning to attain either a certificate, a diploma or a degree. More importantly, this individual should be able to comprehend and express themselves intelligibly and sufficiently in English. This is indeed the case. It is nearly impossible to go through the Ugandan school system as it exists today, with the so many check points at every level, and make it to University level with sub-standard comprehension of the English language. The average Ugandan who was attained at least an ordinary secondary school certificate can sufficiently speak and write English; and more so, a Ugandan university graduate.

If you were born, raised and schooled here in Uganda which is a supposedly Anglophone country. It is inconceivable that anyone could possibly to attend an institution of higher learning and graduate from it while not being able to comprehend English. It is further incredulous that anyone could write an entire final year school research or project without comprehending English.

With all these facts on the table, why is it still necessary to subject the sufficiently literate Ugandan to an IELTS test? And if test at all, why not test for what actually matters, the ability to comprehend and express oneself sufficiently in English- or in simpler terms, to communicate?

The test itself has glaring, if not unjust flaws. The concept of validity for only a maximum of two to three years, the limitation in its use to apply to not more than three colleges in a year, and its exorbitant cost all combine to make one wonder whether this test really does exist in good faith or it is just another roadblock in an obstacle course to frustrate the applicant from obtain a scholarship, school admission or visa. The fact that this certificate is hardly ever used for anything else besides applying for another scholarship or admission to another college makes it even more costly.

Also, if indeed the IELTS is so important, why is it that it is not a requirement in all other colleges?

We feel that IELTS tests are not relevant and should therefore be waived. If there need be for any testing, sufficiency and not proficiency should be tested for. Of equal importance, the cost of the test should be drastically cut to reflect its very secondary role in assessing English comprehension and to make it affordable for most.

We, the undersigned, call upon the British Council to waive the IELTS test as a requirement for application for scholarships, visas and admission to Colleges and Universities abroad. If there need be for testing at all, then only sufficiency for communication and expression in writing in the English language should be tested for. We also demand that the cost of the test be cut drastically to ensure affordability for most.

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The Stop IELTS testing for English Speakers petition to British Council Uganda was written by 1234 Awilli and is in the category Education at GoPetition.