Congress, U.S. Senators, President Obama, Oil Companies
United States of America

This petition has been created to give a voice to each and every one of us that pay for gas in the U.S.

Gas prices are absolutely taking a toll on families and businesses alike. The alternative to driving a vehicle just simply isn't an option for many car owners and therefore we are FORCED to pay outrageous gas prices with no reprieve.

The FACT is, MANY Americans cannot make their way to WORK if they are forced to pay these gas prices. Everything will suffer as a result of this.

We are asking for your help to ease the financial strain that these high gas prices are causing to U.S. Citizens.

We, the undersigned, call on President Obama, U.S. Government, Congress, U.S. Senators, and oil companies, to stop the ongoing price gouging on gas.

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The Stop Gas Prices from Going Higher! petition to Congress, U.S. Senators, President Obama, Oil Companies was written by Amy Kenney and is in the category Government at GoPetition.