Stop Falmouth Harbour Commissioners Building a Marina at Custom House Quay

- Target:
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- Falmouth
The Falmouth Harbour Commisioners are applying for planning permission to build a 60 berth marina complex at Custom House Quay, Falmouth. The historic quays date bate to 1670 and are a major part of Falmouth's unique maritime heritage.
The quays are one of the few places in Falmouth where the public can enjoy uninterrupted views of the Custom House Quay basin and harbour. For decades Falmouthians and visitors alike have enjoyed the ambience of these beautifully constructed quays.
The Falmouth Harbour Commissioners as custodians of the quays wish to transform this area of North Quay and Customs House Quay into a yachting type complex. Market forces will dictate the prices of these berths and the current berth holders, who use outhauls, will be priced out of the market.
We must protect the man in the street who can only afford a small boat - people who enjoy small scale boating in one of the most beautiful harbours in the world. Many people are being forced out of boating in Falmouth due to rising prices, although FHC state that their charges are competitive when compared with other south coast ports.
It is important that the quays retain their character. Falmouth Harbour Commissioners claim this new marina is an "exciting" development. IT MUST BE STRESSED THAT FALMOUTH HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS ARE INVITING CURRENT SMALL BOAT OWNERS TO APPLY FOR BERTHS IN THIS MARINA. BUT IN REALITY IT IS THE THIN END OF THE WEDGE.
We, the undersigned call on Falmouth Town Council and Cornwall Council to reject this marina proposal when it comes before the planners.
The proposal will rob the quays of their ambience and generate more vehicular traffic around what is already a heavily congested area.
"Falmouth has the character of a traditional harbour with a variety of boats of all ages and sizes, surrounded by 17th/18th/19th century quay walls. This is what distinguishes us from the multitude of bland marina developments that surrounds Britain and is a crucial part of our distinct appeal to visitors. Falmouth's character is largely due to the fact that people on modest incomes can still afford (all be it in declining numbers) to support a boat. The focus of Falmouth's maritime character is the Inner Basin and surrounding quays; at no cost must this be destroyed."
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The Stop Falmouth Harbour Commissioners Building a Marina at Custom House Quay petition to CORNWALL COUNCIL was written by David Barnicoat and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.