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It is a historical fact that a majority of countries across the globe have been the subject of oppression and slavery. Ireland sufferiing from one of the longest periods of oppression in history.
The history and culture of the gaelic people and its land should be preserved.
The Gaelic people of the Irish nation should not be punished, penalized, shamed or held accountable for American affairs or the past of British and American Imperialism.

Therefore the Irish public demand:

1) The Preservation and Protection of Irish Monuments, Street/Club names and remaining historical dwellings in Ireland.

2) A detailed Renewal of Heritage Legislation to protect the Irish Culture, History, Language, Literature and Memorials from being vandalised, removed or banned.

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The Stop Destruction of History petition to submitapetition@oireachtas.ie was written by Donna Wilson and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Irish Culture