#Roads & Transport
Limpopo tourists
South Africa

The beautiful Waterberg in Limpopo should be the holiday destination of choice for residents of Gauteng and visitors to the province, local and international. Easily accessible on excellent roads and highways, less than an hour from Pretoria, not much longer from Johannesburg and OR Tambo. It SHOULD attract thousands of visitors every weekend and for holidays.
Check out the wonderful game parks, lodges and other attractions in the Waterberg on www.waterbergtourism.com
The natural splendor of the Waterberg, with more than 300 days of sunshine each year, fresh air and clean water, is a South African gem. A large variety of attractions, an abundance of wild life and birds, excellent accommodation and activities to suit everyone makes it a perfect destination.
BUT …………people travelling to Limpopo are forced to queue in peak times for hours EVERY week to pay Bakwena toll fees. "They are one of the only toll management companies that refuses to open their toll gates when traffic is congested by more than ten minutes to proceed through their tolls", quoted by a Limpopo roads and transport official in Letaba Herald
Limpopo will NOT be a destination of choice when the joy of a holiday break in our Waterberg paradise, is soured by the anger caused by long delays at tollgates when returning home! How are children let alone adults and elderly people expected to cope with long delays in a car with no access to toilets? Why should they?
Think of the discomfort for millions of people going to ZCC church services, as well as scores of tourists seeking to enjoy the Easter and other breaks, stuck in vehicles due to the inefficiency of Bakwena
Cash payers take several minutes to process; e-tag holders seconds – drivers just slow down to 30kph. The solution recommended:
Clear signs indicating “self-service” lanes on the right which accept:
1 Sanral eTags
2 Bakwena eTags
3 Debit and credit cards
4 Mobile payment services like Zapper and Snap Scan
Bakwena needs to reintroduce their e-tags and have them for sale at toll stations, petrol stations and supermarkets in the Waterberg region so motorists can easily acquire them. Flyers should also be distributed at all cash toll lanes advising motorists how to acquire Bakwena e-tags!
These suggestions are aimed NOT to increase costs for Bakwena, but using self-service modern technology to speed up processing and help reduce costs. And by giving free access at tollgates whenever delays exceed ten-minutes, Bakwena will boost tourism and help make Limpopo become the tourist destination of choice for Gauteng and other visitors, They will benefit from vastly increased tourist numbers paying toll fees – and happily doing so – once delays are eliminated.

We, the undersigned, petition the HOD LEDET, Mr Solly Kgopong, to stop BAKWENA costing the Limpopo tourist industry hundreds of millions of Rands annually due to their chaotic systems of extracting tolls at their tollgates results in chaos and anarchy and huge frustration. We demand that they open their tollgates EVERY time delays exceed ten minutes. And implementing modern, fast and efficient payment systems, especially their Bakwena eTags. Please forward this Petition to as many of your contacts as possible: together we can and will really MAKE A DIFFERENCE! And make the Waterberg THE premier tourist destination in South Africa!

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The Stop Bakwena delaying traffic at tollgates going to the Waterberg petition to Limpopo tourists was written by Syd Catton and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.