- Target:
- Mosha Shrine Circus
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- rayedorg.wixsite.com
Shrine Circuses claim to be wholesome family fun but which family, definitely not fun for the animals. Shrine temples partner with circuses, in the case of Mosha Shrine Circus in Fort Worth the partner is Houston based the Tarzan Zerbini Circus )TZ Productions) who has a poor record when it comes to animal abuse and neglect. The Shrine Circuses like all other Circuses are on the road for weeks at a time. Performing animals are kept chained in trucks, they are transported in barren, cramped cages. Often while on the road the only time the animals are allowed out of their cages or freed from the chains is for their performances. Circus animals do not act as if they were in their habitats, their family bonds broken forever and their natural behaviors denied. The training methods include physical abuse which sadly is still a common practice in 2016 in order to control the animals.
In addition they claim that the proceeds from sales go to benefit the Shriner's yet on their own website the following disclaimer is given "Proceeds benefit Moslah Shriners, and are not deductible as a charitable donation." http://moslahshrinecircus.com/
We the undersigned call on the governing body of Shriners International to raise funds perhaps by using circuses that do not utilize animals and to publicly reject the use of cruel animal circuses in order for them to position themselves into an organization for the future.
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The Stop Abusing Animals For Profit petition to Mosha Shrine Circus was written by Furry Angels Sanctuary and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.