United States of America

To better serve the Gifted and Talented population of HoustonISD, Stevenson Middle School is proposing to become a Gifted and Talented Vanguard School to serve the East and South Regions of the district. Currently, there are no GT middle schools in these regions. The current gifted and talented school options are Lanier Middle School (Central), Burbank Middle School (North), Black Middle School (North), Hamilton Middle School (Northwest) and T. H. Rogers K-8 (West).

Help us better serve our students!

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the Houston Independent School District designate Stevenson Middle School as a Gifted and Talented Vanguard School beginning in the school year 2021-2022.

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The Stevenson Middle School to Become GT Vanguard petition to Houstonisd was written by Huy Bui and is in the category Education at GoPetition.