Solve the Immigration Problem and do what is in the best interests of American Citizens

- Target:
- President and Congress
- Region:
- United States of America
Below is a copy of the petition/fax I will soon be sending to the President, congress, senators etc. and possibly other representatives.
But, keep in mind Immigration is, for the most part, a Federal issue so please no radical suggestions.
Dear Elected Officials (President Obama, Senators and Congressmen)
We, the people, feel nothing is being done on the issue of Illegal Immigration.
We feel that you are more concerned with remaining in office, than on the issue of Immigration and what is in the best interest of American Citizens.
We understand the topic and what to do about it is complex. However, we would like to see some advances made on the issue to ensure the laws of this land are being upheld. We would like our rights protected over that of illegals', whom are here unlawfully. We would like the laws to be enforced. Overall, we want you to do your job as an elected official.
We as citizens and taxpayers are suffering greatly due to the influx of illegal, non-English speaking invaders.
We understand that you and other politicians: are out of touch with the reality of average citizens, do not live in the communities of the illegal's, are employed by us so you all are not looking for a job, and so forth - so you are not impacted by - nor do you care about the effects of illegal's on citizens. However, we are impacted daily so we want to help you and make some suggestions
-Enforcement of current laws.
-No Amnesty for anyone regardless of where they came from.
-No sanctuary cities.
-Enforce E-verify. If employers do not cooperate, fine them and make it a progressive fine based on the number of employees.
-Any business that knowingly or unknowingly employees an illegal should also be fined in the amount of 5,000 per person per day. No weak fines. Weak and/or low fines are ineffective. This places the burden on businesses that employ workers to prove the legal status of all employees; and it removes the temptation to subvert the law or to simply claim they didn't know.
-Employ more border patrol agents - either alone or in conjunction with the Fed. Govt. Deploy the Nat'l Guard along the border if need be. The fence was a useless waste of money; and cameras are ineffective without actual manpower to support.
-The EEOC should include discrimination based on language. No company, agency, department, organization, institution that receives taxpayer dollars of any amount should be allowed to require a citizen of this country - a English speaking country - to be bilingual in order to feed his/her family. Instead, make the person who chose to come into this country to learn the language of the country.
-Consider an English for all states. We don't need to speak Spanish. Instead, they need to speak the language of the country that they, on their own, elected to live in.
Again, we the citizens of every state in the US, voting public and providers of your salary, retirement, insurance, etc. would like to suggest the above solutions and any other to protect the citizens and legal immigrants of this state.
In conclusion Mr.Obama and others, do your job. Prove to voters that incumbents can be useful.
We sincerely hope all of you will actively and honestly work in protecting the rights of citizens.
Thank you for your time.
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The Solve the Immigration Problem and do what is in the best interests of American Citizens petition to President and Congress was written by keith and is in the category Government at GoPetition.