Sports organization
United States of America

Skaters here don't have places to skate. There are no skateparks in this town. Were ever we go we get kicked out by cops or guards or people who work there.

Skating for some people is more than flipping a board, its there exercise, it also keeps them out of trouble. There is a lot of empty spaces in Cornelius were skateparks can go.

Many skaters here have to travel along way to find spots to skate or to go to a skatepark. Skaters deserve a skatepark here to skate and have fun.

We, skaters, need a skatepark where we can be ourselves and skate where we actually are allowed to skate without being kicked out and making other peoples jobs harder with our skating.

So please help us put a skatepark in Cornelius, OR.

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The Skate Park In Cornelius, OR petition to Sports organization was written by Erick and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.