- Target:
- All in South Africa
- Region:
- South Africa
- Website:
- businesstech.co.za
Education in SA is the last bastion of apartheid. It has refused to transform 23 years into our democracy. Teachers are chosen by SGBs still using the old policy of exclusion rather than including black teachers. Language policy doesn't cater for those living in the area. Schools using government facilities as get rich quick schemes such as tuckshops, etc. Even specialists are appointed by them without giving an opportunity to others. Our children deserve better role models than seeing gardeners and cleaners in schools. Business and industry is transforming but not the education system, be it public or private. More representation; more transformation is desperately needed in our schools.
We, the undersigned call on the government to ensure that the African child is not robbed of a chance for a quality education that's representative and transformed. We support changes to the SGB powers and changes to the language policy of the schools in our areas.
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The Sign petition FOR amendments to the School Act petition to All in South Africa was written by mondephlygirl@hotmail.com and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.