- Target:
- Canadian authorities
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- www.dwetendorf.com
This petition is with reference to South Asian families migrated to Canada and are not living together anymore for many reasons. The divorce rate among south Asian families is increasing and kids involved are suffering due to shared access.
Couples from South Asia are finding it extremely difficult to raise kids under these circumstances because they are educated in terms of dealing with After Divorce problems. Most of them have not experienced it in their childhood. They have not even seen anybody in their families getting divorced. There is no feedback from friends and family as they have not been through it. Every south Asian Couple going through divorce is alone and inexperienced but extremely manipulative and smart in terms of milking the system to their advantage.
Shared access under such circumstances where access is not spending time with the child but taking the child away from the custodial parent, the purpose of this law of access is marred.
When the child is not allowed to see the mother on mothers day because of Fathers access day falling on that day whereas father is also at work and child spends Mothers day with step mother, I dont see ACCESS working for the child.
When child is not taken to extra curricular activities only because mother registered her and father doesn't agree to it, father stating that he doesn't want any activity during his access, Its not working for the child.
Moreover this shared access had been part of the family law since quite some time. Even then the family life of Canadian Divorced couples has not done any wonders. Rather it has produced angry, mad and frustrated youth. More killings, gangs, spiteful behavior, frustrations have sprung up, covenant houses are full, more use of drugs and guns.
Many reasons but the major one is when kids have to face both parents angry at each other, poisoning their kids brains to get their custody, demeaning texts, emails, undermining the style of bringing up, step parents comparing them with their own kids, discouraging step children, and so on....its unending.
Parents are unable to concentrate of their new careers after divorce. One of the parents who is well settled would not want the other to settle down in good jobs just to prove himself or herself right and superior. They keep the legal and blame game pressure on for years and use kids to get and pass the information.
The Law of Access needs to be reformed. The Law makers made it, the hon. Judges pass their judgement because its not them who are going through it. Its the families who are all different and have many reasons why they are in the court. Hence one law cannot justify many families.
Again this Law of Access is good but now been through many years and need not be rigid.
I don't know about other countries but in India there is no such Law of Access. Kids are being raised in a better way, get good education, are smarter and understand the life and look at the life in a positive way and do not become criminals. There are less divorces, less crimes and no covenant houses at all.
The Law of Access need to be reformed in view of South Asian Families and their kids.
Access of kids to father not to be abused by father and step mother to let the Mother of the child down.
Respecting each others parenting instead of undermining.
Access should be very little or No for non custodial parent so he/she doesn't get any opportunity to poison the children's mind against the custodial parent unless both parents agree on a certain kind of access themselves.
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The Shared Access in Divorce is not in the Best Interest of the Child petition to Canadian authorities was written by Komalpreet Luthra and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.