Shanes Out Of Province Treatment "DENIED" - Support Mental Health & Addictions Treatment for Shane
- Brenda Stephens
- Closed on

- Target:
- Mental Health & Addictions Ministry of Health Region (Saskatoon, SK)
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
This petition in now closed.
Long Treatment "Denied" by the Ministry. Tracy Muggli (Director of Mental Health and Addictions / Saskatoon Health Region) who provided Out Of Province Long Term Treatment application on Shane's behalf to the Ministry for review "failed" to provide "Important Medical Documentation" that does support Shane's needs for a Long Term Treatment.
Ms Muggli withheld Shane's Medical documentation from the Ministry. Ms Muggli stated In Shane's application short term Treatment would be logical and best treatment for Shane. Ms Muggli why would you apply for Long Term Treatment on someone's behalf yet in the same application state short term treatment would be logical and best treatment for Shane? "I am unable to contact her for comment".
Considering Shane's past extreme struggles, hardships finding appropriate Treatment that can save his life has been dismissed by the Saskatoon Health Region once again . . . It is clear Ms Muggli does not have Shane's best interest at heart provide him with access to effective Treatment Shane and others are in desperate need of. THIS DECISION WILL BE APPEALED . . . PLEASE continue to sign and share Shane's petition for Treatment all your signatures and comments are appreciated! Please help me to circulate Shane's Story also to create awareness we "NEED" access to Long Term Treatment In Saskatchewan enough throwing human beings in SHELTERS this has to STOP and is certainly not a reasonable decision for the people of Saskatoon !
Shane had been placed in a "Short Term Treatment Program" that is unlikely to be successful after learning what type of facility is needed and does not have access to. It was suggested to the Health Region Director of Mental Health and Addictions Shane be placed on a list for a long term Treatment Center in Saskatchewan. I am unable to contact her for comment.
My Son Shane began experiencing mild depression approximately 2 1/2 years ago he is now 25 years of age. His family Physician began prescribing him a "cocktail" of prescription medications (drugs ) over a period of a year and a half. These medications made his depression progressively worse.
One year ago after being altered by the (prescription medications for a year and a half) they proved no help but further harm for Shane. Shane began to self medicate with the potent drug Crystal Meth. He has been using this drug for just over a year now. Prior to Shane's depression he was actively involved and participated in multiple Christian programs helping others. He had a great passion and love for God, he was not afraid to share this infact was very proud of the positive impact he was able to be a part of communicating and sharing his dedicated love to all. Shane obtained his grade 12 and holds great pride in his achievement.
Shane is a very talented musician and has a great love and passion for creating and producing his own style of Hip Hop. September 2014 Shane realized he was very ill he reached out to our Health Region for support and help. For the last 6 months Shane has been BLOCKED from the Emergency Department at RUH, DISCHARGED SUICIDAL a number of times, forced to live in the the Lighthouse Shelter, eats at the Local food Shelter, ARRESTED, treated with very little dignity and respect while being a patient at the Dube Center. I
In Shane's 25 years he has never been arrested but currently is being detained at the local Correctional Facility for the past 30 days, primarily due to his own personal safety as well the communities as he is in need of a Treatment Center that is able to help him over come his addiction. Saskatchewan's availability for Treatment Centers that are able to effectively provide Shane with Treatment he so "desperately needs immediately" is unavailable to him due to the Saskatoon Health Region over looking the severity of his Mental Health and Addictions and failed to provide him with a referral which is required to attend a Treatment Center.
Wait times on average In Saskatchewan can be up to 3 months. The Ministry of Health is at present in the process of approving out of province Treatment for Shane hopefully very soon before something really bad happens to Shane. Please sign this petition if you are supportive to give him the opportunity to a Treatment Center.
Thank you for your time reading Shane's petition.
We are very grateful for all signatures as this petition will be going to the Ministry of Health on behalf of Shane's Treatment.
We, the undersigned, call on the Minister of Health to respectfully approve out-of-province treatment for Shane Stephens.
The Shanes Out Of Province Treatment "DENIED" - Support Mental Health & Addictions Treatment for Shane petition to Mental Health & Addictions Ministry of Health Region (Saskatoon, SK) was written by Brenda Stephens and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.