#Law & Order

You can read about cyberstalking statistics on the following links:




helpful organisations in the UK




Other informative sources :-




It is reported that global statistics show that a percentage of victims of cyberstalking either commit suicide or are murdered.

Myself and my partner have been victims of such stalkers since 2006 on a daily basis. The law enforcement agencies internationally turn a blind eye to this, especially Facebook. They all know how to effectively deal with these problems yet all fail to deal effectively with them.

We have received voicemail threats of which one can be heard here :-


The police are frequently ineffective and so we have had to resort to a £30000 civil trial of our main stalker. We have a star witness who is also one of this persons victims who has told the police and the courts that he was approached to arrange a contract killing of us and our pets, and that he wants to get rid of us in the style of various scenes from his favourite horror movie ~ 'Hostel"

There is a very simple and ancient international civil and now criminal tort that can deal with this. It is known as 'Scienter'

This means that any chatroom and forum that posts a warning on entry to their facilities that warn of abusive behaviour are already guilty and culpbable, as they are admitting foreknowledge, which is what the Scienter tort is all about, but it also covers websites that do not have such warnings once they have been notified of such abuse by a victim.

Their disclaimers when you sign up to their websites mean nothing against Scienter.

This is an international problem that needs to be effectively dealt with, and i urge you to please support this petition and stem the pain and anguish suffering of victims and the many suicides that occur as you frequently read in the news and see on your TV news reports.

It is our intention when we have a sufficient volume of signatures to present this petition to all world leaders and demand action on internet laws to prevent the escalation of this type of abuse.

Thank you.

The Scienter petition to stop international chatroom and forum abuse petition to http://www.iwf.org.uk/ was written by Christopher and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

bullying cyberstalking