School Care Subsidies need to increase for the months of July and August from 50 to 100 for the parents who are subsidized

- Target:
- Ms. Marie Renaud (ND)
- Region:
- Canada
As a struggling single parent whose on student loans and grants, which are set amounts given by the government and the maximum isn't enough to pay for the September to June parent portion fees; so to increase the parent portion to make up the extra hours that out of school subsidy doesn't cover due to policies, puts an extra strain on an already stressful situation.
There's no regulation put in place on out of school summer fees, so the agency can charge whatever they feel is appropriate. This could potentially raise the monthly parent portion an extra 150.00- even 300.00 on top of the regular fees already in place; if there's more than one child now you have to multiply this, for a single parent and one income your paying close to what an unsubsidized parent would pay.
If enough noise is made we make a difference and ensure kids have proper care at an affordable rate; and not have to worry what they are doing when we are at work or school.
We, the undersigned, call on the NDP government to change the current policy in regards to the amount of hours that is currently in place for "Out of school care" children during summer months.
As it stands "Out of school care" gets a total of fifty hours year round, during summer months they require extra hours of care and that requires more staff hours.
The policy needs to be changed so that "Out of school care" like kindergarten gets the one hundred hours during the summer months, as it's taking away from these kids basic needs; or worse, they are left unattended with no supervision so parents can work or attend school.
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The School Care Subsidies need to increase for the months of July and August from 50 to 100 for the parents who are subsidized petition to Ms. Marie Renaud (ND) was written by karleena perry and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.