#City & Town Planning
Market Drayton Shropshire
United Kingdom

Sainsburys first applied to build a supermarket in Market Drayton around 12 months ago. As final planning permission was being sought Danbank sent in an objection suggesting they had a better site, halting any progress with the full Sainsbury planning application.

Since then six or more amendments have been made to the Danbank outline planning application , which have resulted in further delays.

The planning section seem powerless to control the constant delaying tactics.

I object to the Danbank outline planning application as the land has been schedule for housing development and not commercial development.

This planning application totally disregards the Sam Dev proposals for Shropshire.

The proposed development is totally out of character for a residential area and will add significantly to the dangers and traffic problems currently encountered in the area.

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The Say no to Danbank petition to Market Drayton Shropshire was written by Say No to Danbank and is in the category City & Town Planning at GoPetition.