#Animal Rights
Wycombe District Council
United Kingdom

Wycombe District Council are taking action to reduce the number of pigeons in the town's center. They are going to be using Hawks to prevent persistent roosting and to move pigeons to other areas.

But they also plan to trap and "humanely" kill the pigeons. The pigeons' crime is fouling on buildings and pavements. Hardly a offence worthy of execution.

Council say they have looked into other methods. But this method had proven to be ineffective in other areas. Non lethal humane methods should be used.

We the undersigned urge Wycombe district council to reconsider its culling plan for the town's pigeons and to look into using non lethal humane methods instead.

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The Save the High Wycombe Pigeons petition to Wycombe District Council was written by Sonia Rockell and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

pigeons Wycombe