WWF & Government of Tanzania, John Maguguli

Worlds largest and best preserved wilderness, the giant wildlife sanctuary Selous in southern Tanzania, is in direct danger of being crushed into pieces. The government, lead by John Magufuli, are planning to build a giant hydroelectric dam in this invaluable sanctuary. The main argument from the government, is that this will just affect a small piece of the area. The actual price will, of course, be much higher than just the actual space of the dam. The rivers in Selous are going to be negatively affected - some of them are even going to dry out. A road will split the northern part of Selous i two pieces and more people in this area will increase the illegal hunting. The whole, well preserved nature in this area are acute threatened. There are NO PLACE in Africa, so well preserved with so many species but humans. 5 500 lions, 10 000 hyenas, at least 30 000 hippos and 800 african wild dogs are some of the inhabitants. Let our planet have its peace.

The best preserved wildlife in Africa are meant to be left alone, with greed not to be seen. Leave amazing Selous without the extensive destruction of humans and let some part of this planet retain what is was meant to be.

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The Save Selous petition to WWF & Government of Tanzania, John Maguguli was written by Karin Lindblad and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.