Save Royal United Hospital Bath Specialist Gynaecological Cancer Centre

- Target:
- Bath & North East Somerset Council's Health Overview & Scrutiny panel
- Region:
- United Kingdom
" ... decomissioning the Bath services will not improve services to the population of Bath, or the network. In fact, it is most likely to be detrimental."
John Giles, Chair Gynae Group, Avon, Somerset & Wilts Cancer Network, July 2007.
The Royal United Hospital Bath has a renowned gynae cancer team with excellent clinical outcomes. The team is already fully 'centralised' and meets weekly in Bristol as a joint specialist, multi-disciplinary team for the whole Avon, Somerset & Wilts Cancer Network. Against the advice of leading clinicians and current patients, local managers plan to transfer up to 90 RUH complex gynae cancer operations each year to Bristol WITHOUT the essential, significant financial investment stipulated by the Department of Health's cancer policy document, 'Improving Outcomes Guidance'.
Your local councillors on the B&NES Health Overview & Scrutiny panel have unanimously rejected the plan, as transferring patients to Bristol offers no proven advantage in better clinical treatments or any significant cost saving for either hospital. Treatment in Bath for local patients has many advantages, both medical and social. Unlike the Bristol St Michael's Hospital, Bath has an Intensive Therapy Unit on site, as well as the increased convenience of treatment at our local hospital without the stress of extra travel and parking and isolation from family and friends at a difficult time.
We, the undersigned, oppose the decommissioning by Bath & North East Somerset Primary Care Trust of the excellent, accredited, specialist Gynaecological Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospital Bath, and the transfer of RUH operations to an over-stretched and under-resourced service in Bristol.
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The Save Royal United Hospital Bath Specialist Gynaecological Cancer Centre petition to Bath & North East Somerset Council's Health Overview & Scrutiny panel was written by Katharine Tylko-Hill and is in the category Health at GoPetition.