Pendleton, Indiana
United States of America

It has become known that the Pendleton Parks Board has decided to eliminate the old softball field known as Red Diamond 12 in order to make more green space in the park.

We, the undersigned, do not agree with the park boards decision to remove field 12 in order to create more green space.

We believe this field plays an important role in our softball organization and our girls only have 2 fields to use and with the loose of this field we would only have 1. Additionally we must share field 5 with the high school Girls leaving our youth girls with no field. We also lose out on tournament opportunities because we do not have enough softball fields.

So we ask the Park Board to not remove the field just to create green space.

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The Save Red Diamond 12 petition to Pendleton, Indiana was written by Bob Hickey and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.