- Target:
- New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo
- Region:
- Website:
- www.savepatkobylak.blogspot.com
Dear New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo,
On August 4, 2008, Patricia Kobylak was kidnapped from her place of employment, WhirlWind Music in Greece, NY (a suburb of Rochester, NY) by her 3 brothers Theodore, David and Ronald Pierce and placed in a Psychiatric ward in the Rochester, NY area called The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic.
Here are two videos that explain in greater detail the kidnapping of Patricia:
Here is an audio of Patricia recounting the day her brothers kidnapped her:
This is a letter Patricia wrote in 2 parts describing her kidnapping and it is what Patricia mentioned in the above video:
During the court proceedings that happened in the ensuing months after Patricia's confinement she was diagnosed with Dementia and legally incapacitated. In July of 2008, however, Patricia was given a medical examination by Dr. Kalpana Patel at The Allergy Environmental Care Center in Cheektowaga, NY where she was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Depression, Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies, Autonomic Imbalance and Toxic Heavy Metal Exposure.
Here is Patricia's Medical diagnosis sheet:
Now from this sheet you can see that Patricia does not have dementia. She was, however, diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Someone diagnosed with Hypothyroidism as Patricia was, needs to receive immediate treatment for this condition because it mimics Dementia. The two ailments have similar symptoms. Infact, if Hypothyroidism is not treated over a long period of time it can degenerate into full blown Dementia.
Here are a couple of links that illustrate this point:
shows dementia like
The fact is, if Patricia showed any signs of cognitive difficulty it is a combination of her Hypothyroidism and the other ailments she was diagnosed with in July of 2008. Not because of Dementia.
From the time Patricia was taken against her will and confined at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic until the present, she has not received sufficient treatment for her conditions. While at Strong, Patricia was forbidden to go outside, she was forcefully drugged and her privacy was abused. Here is an audio recording of one of the nurses at Strong speaking about the treatment that Pat was receiving from the time she was admitted at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic:
Here is another video of Patricia's account of the staff at Strong abusing her rights and violating her privacy:
After 4 months at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic, On December 5, 2008, Patricia was abruptly moved to The Shore Winds Nursing Home located in Rochester, NY. This is statistically the worst Nursing Home facility in all of New York State.
Here is evidence to back up that claim:
Since Patricia's abrupt move on December 5, 2008 her NYS Patient Bill of Rights as a Nursing Home Resident has been completely abused:
Patricia is not allowed to have contact of any kind with any of her loved ones. She is not allowed to mail anything to anyone or receive mail. Up until recently Patricia was not allowed to call anyone or receive any calls until a phone was placed into her room. Her phone, however, has once again been removed from her room. We have, however, reason to believe that the staff at Shore Winds has listened to her private conversations. This again is an abuse of her NYS Patient Bill of Rights. In conversations with Patricia she has stated that she is being forcefully drugged. Patricia has stated repeatedly that she doesn't want to take drugs. Patricia has a living will in which she states that she doesn't want to take any kind of drugs. In addition, the taking of drugs is against her Christian beliefs. All of the above is being done to Patricia under the false pretense that Patricia has Dementia and therefore cannot make her own decisions. Yet as we have shown that is completely false. In fact we have collected enough evidence which shows that those who are supposed to be looking out for her best interest are doing the exact opposite. Case in point, as shown above placing her in the worst nursing home in New
York State.
Here is a video of her stating that the staff at Shore Winds tried to force her to take an anti-psychotic drug named Risperdal:
Now, as stated above, Patricia has been deemed legally incapacitated by the court because they said she has Dementia. We have shown that at the time of the courts ruling that this was false and still is false. Yet if she does have Dementia as the court claims, why are they forcing her to take a drug that is used in the treatment of Schizophrenia, is not approved in the treatment of patients with Dementia and is something that can kill her?
Here is video showing this to be true regarding Risperdal:
Here is a link to the dangers of Risperdal:
In addition they have forced her to take a drug called Lexapro. Here is a link to the side effects of Lexapro:
One of the side effects is rashes. Patricia informed us that she has suffered from severe rashes for months. Coincidence? You be the judge.
Attorney General Cuomo, this is a 57 year old women that is more than capable enough to take care of herself and to make her own decisions in regards to whether for instance she should take drugs or not. Before her kidnapping and forced confinement Patricia drove, worked a full time job as an accounts payable clerk and was good at what she did, was a fine cook, served her family as a loyal and doting sister and daughter, served in the local church and had her own loving home with her husband Timothy Bowman and their cats. Patricia has never been a threat to herself or to others. She has never even gotten a ticket. Attorney General Cuomo is it moral that Patricia's life has been destroyed and her constitutional rights abused because of a false medical diagnosis?
In fact Attorney General Cuomo, here is Patricia's former mental health defense attorney stating that Patricia doesn't need a guardian:
Here is a an audio of Patricia's court appointed guardian Linda Ricigliano of Catholic Family Services saying that Patricia doesn't belong at The Shore Winds Nursing Home:
This is a letter in 3 parts written by one of the Investigator's on Patricia Kobylak's case stating that he as well as members of Patricia's own family believe that Patricia is stable enough to be released back to her own home to live independently of a guardian and that Patricia's wishes were completely overlooked during the court hearing:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Here is a letter written by Patricia requesting that she be released into the care of her husband Timothy Bowman. Would someone with Dementia write this letter?
This information clearly shows that Patricia is capable of taking care of herself. Again, I ask you, Attorney General Cuomo is it right that a women lose her rights and her very life because of lies and deception?
With that said Attorney General Cuomo:
We, the undersigned, ask you New York State Attorney General Cuomo for an immediate intervention into Patricia Kobylak's situation, a thorough and open investigation of Patricia Kobylak's case, for Patricia to reclaim all of The Rights that have been unjustly stolen from her by an unjust court ruling, to set her free so she can resume the life she once had in her own home and to investigate the misconduct of all the people involved in Patricia's abduction and unjust confinement at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic and The Shore Winds Nursing Home.
Attorney General Cuomo, we have much more evidence to corroborate what is stated above regarding Patricia Kobylak's situation. For more information please contact Patricia Kobylak's husband Timothy bowman at timbow11@juno.com or myself, Nicholas Gentile at althealth25@yahoo.com.
Attorney General Cuomo, we pray that you do the right thing. Thank You for your time and may Our Heavenly Father Bless You in The Name of Jesus Christ. Shalom
We, the undersigned, ask you New York State Attorney General Cuomo for an immediate intervention into Patricia Kobylak's situation, a thorough and open investigation of Patricia Kobylak's case, for Patricia to reclaim all of The Rights that have been unjustly stolen from her by an unjust court ruling, to set her free so she can resume the life she once had in her own home and to investigate the misconduct of all the people involved in Patricia's abduction and unjust confinement at The Strong Behavioral Health Clinic and The Shore Winds Nursing Home.
Attorney General Cuomo, we have much more evidence to corroborate what is stated above regarding Patricia Kobylak's situation. For more information please contact Patricia Kobylak's husband Timothy bowman at timbow11@juno.com or myself, Nicholas Gentile at althealth25@yahoo.com.
Attorney General Cuomo, we pray that you do the right thing. Thank You for your time and may Our Heavenly Father Bless You in The Name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.
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The Save Pat Kobylak Now petition to New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo was written by Nicholas Gentile and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.