
Please take the time to read and comment In support of our locally owned and operated business Centre Landscaping Supplies, Our Neighbour has over the past 20 years (without Government Support until now) Endeavoured to close our business down simply because they say “ That they don’t want to live next door to a quarry”. They have compiled video evidence which they believe enhanced their cause. History is that the business was approved and operating before they even bought the property next door. If our Doors do close your opportunity to obtain our products will diminish considerably, maybe to the point where you will be unable to get product within a 1000km radius. As a Family we will loose our home and a majority of our assets. We have supported charities in our town with donations and products as away of giving back to our community without hesitation. We want to continue to serve and supply the people of Alice Springs and our surrounding Communities. Therefore please consider helping us.
If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to call or drop in.
Thankyou for your time
Yours sincerely
Phill, John and sue


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The SAVE OUR LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED BUSINESS CENTRE LANDSCAPING SUPPLIES petition to 100000 was written by phill brown and is in the category Business at GoPetition.