#Human Rights
minister for Immigration

Please save my husband (Bill) Blagojce Stojanovski from getting deported FROM Australia his home his life !!!

please help me to save my husband Blagojce Bill, Stojanovski from deportation and remain here in Australia with his family and friends. My husband arrived in Australia when he was 3 years old and has not been back to place of his birth. My children. myself and his mother. his siblings and his nephews miss him terribly not a second goes by when he is not in our thoughts. My husband has no family in Macedonia and immigration want to deport him. Please sign this petition to have him remain here with his koved ones. Everyone deserves a right to be with there family not torn apart. I havent seen my husband since 2 years when he was taken to Christmas Island.. please help me !!!!!

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The Save my husband from deportation petition to minister for Immigration was written by Vik Trimcevski and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.