The Hon Jack Snelling MP

Due to Budget cuts, almost 20% of staff at the State Library of South Australia will be cut. This is on top of a 2015 restructure which also saw jobs cut.

This will impact on services provided to the South Australian Community. South Australian's deserve better.

Say no to library job cuts and sign the petition today.

The State Library of South Australia is an important cultural institution in our community, staffed by dedicated, skilled and professional staff who serve the community.

Following the recent State Budget, the Treasurer made the clear announcement that there would be no additional need for further public sector job cuts.

Despite this, the State Library of South Australia has announced extensive job cuts.

The new job cuts, almost 20% of existing staff, are on top of a 2015 restructure which also saw job cuts. Library staff are shocked and concerned by the severity and extent of the budget cuts.

We, the undersigned, call on you to reverse the decision to cut 19.6 FTE jobs from the State Library of South Australia.

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The Save Library Services petition to The Hon Jack Snelling MP was written by PSA of SA and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

south australia