#Neighborhood Living
United States of America

Apartment property managers have recently agreed to escalated the cost of renting with a pet at the worse times. They have collectively raised Pet deposits to outrageous amounts ($250 - 300 per pet) with rent increase. There must be competition among the Nashville Tennessee property owners and equal housing opportunities.

Pet deposit fees are OUT OF control in Nashville Apartment Complexes. We must unite to save housing for pets and pet owners.

Even though tenants are quickly vacating apartment complexes that price gouge pet owners, there are few places to move too. This is tramatizing the pets and some are not keeping the homes they have.

We must act now to prevent pets from being abandoned and homeless because the greed of apartment owners/managers. Sign a petition for state legislators to cap the apartment cost of pets or to investigate the collusion of the property associations in forcing pet owner out of their homes.

I sign this petition to support property manager & owners who reduce not increase pet deposits and provide fair pricing in renting for pet owners.

I support owners who reduce pet deposits to reflect size and amt of pets. Start out with a range of deposits appropriate for pet or pets.

I support government intervention (regulation) in support of consumers to create legislative regulation of pet fees in apartment complexes.

I support safe "Forever Homes" for all pets and pet owners in Middle Tennessee.

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The Save Homes for Pets: Support Pet Owners Rights to equality Housing petition to Tennessee was written by Lindsey Asmus and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.