- Target:
- Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street
- Region:
- United Kingdom
Dangerous Dogs Act (DDA) 1991 means that it is illegal to own an American Pit Bull Terrier in the United Kingdom.
However, if the dog is not seen to be dangerous by the courts it can be returned to its owner if they can prove the owner is not using the dog for fighting, or has ill treated the dog.
The law at the moment does not allow harmless Pit bulls to be re-homed, and if the owner is not seemed fit to own the dog, the American Bull Terrier will be destroyed by lethal injection.
Most of these Pit bulls are family loving pets born into the wrong home.
Any breed of dog can become dangerous in the hands of the wrong owner, and most dogs ill treated, or in a bad environment, and even aggressive dogs can be rehabilitated and re-homed to the right owner
So why can't perfectly harmless Pit bulls find a loving home as well?
Please sign this petition if you agree that the U.K law should change, and that the American Pit bull can be re-homed if proven harmless and not destroyed.
We, the undersigned, call on the prime minister of the UK, to change the law in which a harmless Pit Bull can not become re-homed after being seized from its unfit owner.
The law should allow a harmless Pit Bull to be re-homed.
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The Save A Loving Pit Bull petition to Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street was written by savepitbu11s and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.