- Target:
- San Pedro area legislators
- Region:
- United States of America
Dog Owners in the San Pedro area do not have an adequate place to take their dogs where the pets can run and play off leash. The one small dog park that does exist in San Pedro will soon be a thing of the past since there are plans to turn that area into a freeway on ramp in the near future.
In lieu of an actual dog park, area residents have relied for many years upon places like Joan Milke-Flores Park and Friendship Park to provide de-facto areas to meet their needs however, they have done so with the knowledge that law enforcement could show up at any time to enforce the posted leash laws,
Our hope is that the attached petition will illustrate the community's support for the establishment of one or more large, grassy areas where our dogs can socialize and get the exercise they need.
Thank you for your support.
Don Marshall (310) 833-8977
We, the undersigned, call on the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles and the Port of L.A. to provide large, grassy areas where dogs can run off leash.
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The San Pedro Off-Leash Park petition to San Pedro area legislators was written by don marshall and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.