#Law Reform
Health Canada

Health Canada is proposing to make Salvia Divnorum a Schedule III substance, putting in the same league as LSD and illegal to possess. They say it's to "protect the children" and that there's just not enough known about the plant.

The idea Health Canada is going by is that you can ban a plant and somehow that will make people stop using it and stop selling it. Of course, people won't stop using at and indeed it's probably more alluring to teens and others who would use it irresponsibly.

Read more about the proposed ban at: http://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2011/2011-02-19/html/notice-avis-eng.html and search for "Salvia".

On this same petition web site, there's a petition to make it illegal in Canada due to the Miley Cyrus video of her smoking it. If that is the logic for banning it, then what do we do about all the videos of Snoop Dogg smoking grass, since marijuana is already illegal?

Sorry, we all want kids to not do stupid things, but they do -- it's part of growing up in this society. Banning the plant salvia divinorum (not to mention glamorizing how messed up it will get you) won't do much to stop abuse.

(NOTE: This petition is to be sent to Health Canada, and while the petition appreciates the support from other countries, chances are they will only be interested in signatures from Canadians :)

We, the undersigned, call for Health Canada to take adequate steps to maintain the availability of the plant herb salvia divinorum for use by adults.

Salvia divinorum is a plant that has been used for thousands of years. It is not addictive and when used responsibly there is no risk of injury or death.

Appropriate steps should be made to curtail its irresponsible use, such disallowing sales to teenagers as well as mandating warning labels advising people of the inherent risks in taking any consciousness-altering substance.

As adults, we wish to decide for ourselves whether to consume this herb. In spite of Health Canada's assertions that banning the plant will help prevent harm, we see no evidence of the case when it comes to any other substance that is currently in the schedule III class.

We do not wish to see yet another plant given over to the criminal underworld to traffic in. We wish to choose for ourselves whether or not to ingest salvia divinorum.

As such, we implore Health Canada to respect responsible adult decision making and reverse its stance at making salvia a Schedule III substance.

The Undersigned

The Salvia Divinorum: Support legal use by adults petition to Health Canada was written by Daniel Tourigny and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

salvia divinorum