#Neighborhood Living
Boston City Council
United States of America

Please support our petition to have the City of Boston put in Speed Ramps on Walnut Street, in Dorchester, Port Norfolk. For many years the neighborhood has had to deal with speeding cars flying down our street.

There are too many Children & Elders that live on the street, also there are many other familys, who do not live on Walnut Street, who enjoy walking, jogging, and bicycling etc... down port norfolk. We do not want to wait until something horrible happens.

It is only a matter of time before a child, an elderly resident or a pet is seriously injured or killed by someone exceeding the speed limit. Many other familys, who do not live on Walnut Street, enjoy walking, jogging, and bicycling etc... down port norfolk. So this is not only for the Walnut Street Residents, but for all who enjoy the peace and safety of Port Norfolk.

The safety of our children is of the utmost importance. Thank You for your consideration.

We, the undersigned, call on the City of Boston to place speed bumps along walnut street, as a matter of public safety for the residents, their pets, and property, as a response to excessive driving speeds.

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The Safety Speed Ramps on Walnut Street, in Dorchester petition to Boston City Council was written by carla and is in the category Neighborhood Living at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Speed Ramps