#Roads & Transport
Roads Service, Donegal

A meeting has been scheduled for Thursday the 10th of February in the lounge of the Squealing Pig bar, Muff at 8 O' Clock. (Sharp)

This meeting is aimed at addressing issues which affect us all, as residents of Whitehill. As spring months are now drawing near, the Committee consider it crucial to make a start on matters, which concerned us last summer and resolve them without delay.

This is your opportunity to make your voice heard and to communicate any concerns or observations you may have.

We look forward to seeing you there

We the Petitioners call on Donegal Roads Service to create a permanent crossing (traffic light controlled or pelican crossing) in Main Street, Muff.

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The SAFE CROSSING IN MUFF petition to Roads Service, Donegal was written by Kevin mCDaid and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.