- Target:
- Roll back "facebook" logo
- Region:
- Website:
- facebook.com
Previously, it was good, but now the word "facebook" is written in russian letters - "фэйсбук". This is nonsense!
We, the Russian-speaking people оf Internet, demand roll back the old logo of social network facebook.
Writing foreign words in Russian letters - it's insanity, which trained soviet, unqualified teachers. I protest! Bring back the old logo written in English!
Мы, рускоговорящие люди интернета требуем вернуть старый логотип социальной сети facebook.
Написание иностранных слов русскими буквами - это маразм, которому обучали советские, неквалифицированные учителя. Я протестую! Верните старый логотип написанный на английском!
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The Roll back "facebook" logo for russian speaking users petition to Roll back "facebook" logo was written by Aleksandr Skepian and is in the category Internet at GoPetition.