
please i am very much dismayed by the announcement of the election results in our country kenya.Inviewof allthe foregn visitorswhohadcometo witnessed theelection herein Kenya what really happened is the opposite of what the foreign observers had to contend with.What was happen in full view of everybody whowas at the KICC where thistally was being carried out tend out to be ashocker to everyone including our small children,they were asking us what was happening at the KICC.We as the people of Kenya we were for free andfair elections but afew groocked people calling themselvestally clerks at the KICC were doing there alterations so that there person can be elected.

In view of this am appealing to all the concerned friends for peace as we search for peaceful means toeradicate this thing.I am appealling to the UN to quickly help solve this crisis so that this political violence be stopped once and for all and the rightful winner of our just ented elections be known in full view of international body.

We the undermtioned whould like to take this position to urge all our brothers and sisters to refrain from any form of lawlessness that will lead to loss of life or destroying of other peoples property.

We want peace not violence.

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The Review election results petition to commonwealth was written by cheruiyot langat and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.