#Animal Welfare
The Parliament of Australia

We are concerned about the Animal Welfare outcomes for Australian animals affected by any Live Export Suspension or Ban.

Indonesia has been a valued collaborator in Foot and Mouth Disease Bio-security Measures, we feel their surveillance is essential to the ongoing Bio-security of the region. The supply of cattle from Australia for Indonesia’s Self-Sufficiency Program has assisted both countries to work towards their common goal of keeping the region FMD free.

The valuable buffer that is provided by Indonesia in protecting Australia’s own livestock cannot be underestimated and needs to be publicly acknowledged.

Emergency drills for such an event found there would be not enough skilled staff to humanely destroy livestock and dispose of carcasses.

In droughts in the last century 20 Million and 30 million sheep perished. Retaining over a million grazing animals which cannot be processed puts many at risk of starving in the next drought.

Long distance road transport is not a good option for Animals and Australia is a vast country. It is not acceptable that animals would have to stand up the whole way across Australia into unfamiliar climates.

We would ask that the Parliament conduct Audit of feed levels across Australia, and an independent inquiry into existing and future processing facilities for all animals affected including buffalo.

In addition a comprehensive study be undertaken of the numbers, types of animals and distance required to be travelled by road for those affected by Suspension/Bans.

We would ask that discussion in Parliament regarding Live Export Ban or Suspension includes this complete information as is required to be able to make informed decisions on Animal Welfare.

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The Review Animal Welfare outcomes for animals affected by any Live Export Suspension or Ban petition to The Parliament of Australia was written by Christine Glenn and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.