#Family & Friends
Department of Child Safety

Hi everyone as my closest family and friends know that I have deported back to Nz from Australia, also leaving my 6 children behind, ages from 14yrs to 4yrs old, to be honest I haven't been the best mother I could have been... But everybody gets a second time chance and I think I deserve a second chance not because I think I am entitled to one, it's more my kids deserve another chance at having a way better mother for them. I ain't perfect neither is my past but having my kids with me in Nz would give me the drive, momentum, strength and motivation to give them my all!

I, Allana am calling on family/friends/associatiates and etc to help build a large number of signatures to assist myself in supporting my children to have their mother in their lives more now then later...

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The Reunification With My 6 Kids petition to Department of Child Safety was written by HoNeYz666 and is in the category Family & Friends at GoPetition.

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