#Civil Rights
President of the United States of America
United States of America

The U.S. Senate recently passed by a vote of 93 to 7 a version of the Defence budget that contains a really bad provision to allow indefinite detention without a trial of anyone labelled as a terrorist by the president.

It extends this power to cover U.S. citizens and legal residents. All it takes is for a future president to label someone a terrorist to make someone essentially disappear. This is the sort of power used by dictators and tyrants to suppress opposition of any sort. If you agree that this is an alarming idea, please, sign this petition.

Mr. President, the U.S. Senate has passed a provision that allows you or any future president to order indefinite detention for anyone including legal residents and citizens of the United States if you or a successor deem someone a terrorist threat to the United States.

As a former professor of constitutional law, you can see the potential for awful abuse in the future. We, the signatories to this petition ask that you state clearly and forcefully your opposition to this attempt to gut the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

If it reaches your desk, we ask that you veto the bill and make clear you will go to the Supreme Court if it is passed despite your veto.

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The Restore 4th Amendment protections petition to President of the United States of America was written by Robert Moore and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.