#Roads & Transport
Fylde Borough Council
United Kingdom

Parking is restricted for residents and local businesses in the area when AFC Fylde football games are on all the football fans park on the streets surrounding the grounds, taking parking spaces outside residents houses.

This is not the only causing issues for local residents parking because they are parked on the ends of junctions and blocking access to driveways and businesses but also making pedestrians walk into the road to cross (causing a risk to harm). They are also parking over drop kerbs so local people cannot get their prams and mobility scooters down the kerb, causing distress to the users of the mobility scooters and putting parents and children at risk by making them enter the road to go around these car parked on the ends of junctions.

They are not just sticking to parking on the road either as they have taken to parking on the pavements and grass areas outside peoples houses.

We, the undersigned, call on to Fylde Borough Council to apply a Resident Permit Holders parking restriction to the residential streets and surround areas of the AFC Fylde football ground at Mill Farm, Medlar-with-Wesham.

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The Residential Parking for Wesham Residents petition to Fylde Borough Council was written by ricky wilcock and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.