#Children's Rights
Head Master - Brayton High School
United Kingdom

The school bus collects our children from Temple Hirst, Hirst Courtney and West Bank, at 7.50 am. The children are then dropped at school at 8.10 am. They are left to wait outside in whatever weather conditions prevail, unsheltered and unsupervised for at least 20 minutes until 8.30am. School does not begin until 9am.

Is it right that our children are picked up at this unearthly hour and left on school premises for 50 minutes prior to school beginning. If you want to act and try and change the pick up time - please sign our petition.

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The Reschedule Bus Pick Up Time to Brayton High School petition to Head Master - Brayton High School was written by Michelle Jempson and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.