The Nobel Foundation

A bilingual English/Persian Petition:


On April 12, 2013 we modified this petition slightly but significantly [all 145 signatories up to then were notified--and there was no objection] to the effect of making the present petition a request for a JOINT Nobel Peace Prize (posthumous) for Mohammad Mossadegh AND Mahatma Gandhi--for obvious reasons.

خلاصه--به فارسی: برای جبران بخشی از یک بیعدالتی بزرگ تاریخی، امضا کنندگان این طومار [با پشتیبانی استاد نوام چامسکی در امضای شماره نوزده] از بنیاد نوبل میخواهند که نسبت به تصمیم سال ۱۹۷۴ خود استثنایی تاریخی قائل شده، و در اولین فرصت یک جایزه مشترک صلح نوبل پس-از-وفات را به دکتر محمد مصدق و مهاتما گاندی اعطا کند

PLEASE SEE THE NOTE (BELOW) regarding the links to our website, Facebook page, and CONTACT INFO.

ایمیل تماس : mossadegh.legacy.institute@gmail.com
در صورت تمایل میتوانید این طومار را با نام مستعار، یعنی به عنوان ناشناس، امضا کنید

SUMMARY--in English: To partially correct an immense historical injustice, this petition [backed by Prof. Noam Chomsky at signature number 19] asks the Nobel Foundation to make an historic exception to its 1974 decision, and as early as possible award, posthumously, a joint Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh AND Mahatma Gandhi.


Mossadegh Legacy Institute (MLI) is HONORED to have Noam Chomsky [ the "World's top public intellectual" -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2005/oct/18/books.highereducation ] as the "Honorary Chair" of its "Board of Endorsers (and Advisors, as Needed), and as a leading signer of this "historic" petition, at signature number 19.

PLEASE SEE THE NOTE (BELOW) regarding the links to MLI's website, Facebook page, and CONTACT INFO.


Perhaps the best way to share some needed background about why we, the undersigned, are seeking in this campaign a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize (especially) for Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, is to convey parts of the endorsement statements provided by three of the initial endorsers of the organization behind this petition to the Nobel Foundation:

Prof. Noam Chomsky -- Voted "the world's top public intellectual" in the 2005 poll by Prospect / Foreign Policy:

"In full agreement with Cindy Sheehan, especially where she emphasizes the American nature of this responsibility, of this moral wound [see below], I am very glad to... endorse the mission of the Mossadegh Legacy Institute."

Prof. Richard A. Falk -- The UN's Special Rapporteur on human rights in occupied Palestine:

Dear Moji Agha: "I congratulate you for this initiative. In a small way the Mossadegh Legacy Institute (MLI) is a beginning of an American acknowledgment of the profound harm done to the people of Iran by initiating a chain of political events that started with the CIA engineered coup that restored the autocratic Shah to power and led to a revolutionary process hijacked by repressive theocrats, in the name of Islam. I admire very much the legacy of Dr. Mossadegh [for] his passion for democracy and justice."

Cindy Sheehan -- Renowned American author and anti-war activist in the proud non-violent tradition of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi:

"The mission of this historic initiative should be (and indeed is) primarily an AMERICAN moral responsibility. Why American? Because the temporarily successful violent overthrow of the non-violent 'George Washington of Iran' was the mother of almost all profoundly destructive subsequent errors of state judgment in the recent history of this country, at least since the deeply misguided CIA coup of August 19, 1953. Had the U.S. government not overthrown Iran's young democratic government 60 years ago, history would have unfolded quite differently, and many of today's conflicts would have been avoided. So I firmly believe, that 'We the People' should view the Mossadegh Legacy Institute (MLI) as a truly patriotic opportunity to help rehabilitate the collective conscience of our own nation. In other words, this is a neglected AMERICAN moral wound in need of authentic examination and real healing, not just an Iranian, Middle Eastern, or 'global South' festering wound."

NOTE: For more information please see the MLI's website, herein: http://www.mossadeghlegacyinstitute.org/

CONTACT INFO: Facebook page -- Please "like" the initiative and "share" it far and wide:

E-Mail: mossadegh.legacy.institute@gmail.com

A bilingual English/Persian Petition:

SUMMARY--in English: In order to partially correct an immense historical injustice, we the undersigned, respectfully call on the Nobel Foundation to make a SPECIAL HISTORICAL EXCEPTION to its 1974 decision to stop awarding posthumous Nobel Prizes (not to change the decision), and as soon as possible and appropriate, award a deeply deserved Joint Nobel Peace Prize to the Late Iranian Prime Minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, and to the other giant hero of civility, Mahatma Gandhi.

In supporting this timely initiative (by the Mossadegh Legacy Institute -- MLI), we are only seeking the Nobel Prize recognition that the "George Washington of Iran" AND the great Mahatma Gandhi have been unjustly denied while still alive; thus our requested Mossadegh and Gandhi Joint Nobel Peace Prize (posthumously awarded) need not necessarily include a monetary component.

خلاصه--به فارسی: برای جبران بخشی از یک بیعدالتی بزرگ تاریخی، امضا کنندگان این طومار [با پشتیبانی استاد نوام چامسکی در امضای شماره نوزده] از بنیاد نوبل میخواهند که نسبت به تصمیم سال ۱۹۷۴ خود استثنایی تاریخی قائل شده، و در اولین فرصت یک جایزه مشترک صلح نوبل پس-از-وفات را به دکتر محمد مصدق و مهاتما گاندی اعطا کند

در صورت تمایل میتوانید این طومار را با نام مستعار، یعنی به عنوان ناشناس، امضا کنید
ایمیل تماس : mossadegh.legacy.institute@gmail.com


PLEASE SEE THE NOTE (in the Preamble section) regarding the links to MLI's website, Facebook page, and CONTACT INFO.

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The Requesting a joint Nobel Peace Prize (posthumous) for Mossadegh & Gandhi petition to The Nobel Foundation was written by Mossadegh Legacy Institute and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.