Request for UK legislation to stop psychological harassment, which includes bullying and harassment in any form
- Mr A Smith
- Target:
- UK Government, UK PM, UK Deputy PM, Health Secretary, Business Secretary, Employment Secretary
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
If you would like to lobby the UK legislators so that a legislative change is made that deals directly with psychological harassment, please sign the petition below.
Psychological harassment includes all other forms of bullying and is not specifically covered by any existing UK legislation.
The aim of this petition is to create awareness about psychological harassment in the UK and to lobby the UK government to create new legislation that deals directly with this growing issue or to amend the existing legislation including the equality bill so it directly identifies and tackles this issue and so that UK legislation is more in line with the forward thinking legislators (on this issue) of Canada, Sweden, France and others that have tackled this issue directly.
Legislation needs to show employee's, employer's and others affected outside the workplace, what psychological harassment is and what types of behaviour is not acceptable, this will remove any ambiguity and help protect the employee's, employer's and others.
The link below to the World Health Organisation report on psychological harassment shows that this issue is on the increase in the EU and that the UK has one of the highest reported rates at 14%.
This issue will only get worse given the current economic climate.
Psychological harassment can be extremely damaging and it and should not be tolerated either in a work or non-work environment.
Creating awareness is the first step to prevention and protecting the potential targets of this type of behaviour.
We, the undersigned, hereby petition the UK Government to bring in legislation or amend existing legislation (including the Equity Bill), so that psychological harassment is directly addressed both in a work and a non-work setting. Psychological harassment includes all other forms of bullying and harassment.
The legislation needs to show employee's, employer's and others affected outside the workplace, what psychological harassment is and by listing examples clearly show what types of behaviour is not acceptable, this will remove any ambiguity and help protect the employee's, employer's and others. It will also help employer's to create clearer and better policies to protect their employee's.
The World Health Organisation report in the link below, clearly shows the need for such legislation and that the issue is on the increase both in the UK and across the world, with the UK having one of the highest rates in the EU.
This issue will only get worse given the current economic climate.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Request for UK legislation to stop psychological harassment, which includes bullying and harassment in any form petition to UK Government, UK PM, UK Deputy PM, Health Secretary, Business Secretary, Employment Secretary was written by Mr A Smith and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.