- Target:
- Region:
- United States of America
This is a Petition directed to the U.S. Congress to Repeal Title 11 USC Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code as it is implemented unconstitutionally, often by clandestine agents with equitable estoppel and estoppel by silence.
I. It is alleged that the pogroms applied to implement Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code may violate the Antideficiency Act Title 31 USC Subtitle II Chapter 13 Subchapter III Section 1341(a) – Limitations on Spending and Obligating Amounts.
II. It is alleged that the pogroms applied to implement Title 11 USC Chapter 7 are in violation of Article I Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution in that the original legislation for Title 11 USC Chapter 7 is a Bill of Attainder.
III. It is alleged that the procedures used to implement Title 11 USC Chapter 7 are in violation of the First Amendment in that they deny the ability to redress grievances.
IV. It is alleged that the procedures used before the filing of the Petition, during the proceedings and post Discharge of the Title 11 USC 7 violate Article I Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution in that the funding of the pogroms fail to protect the U.S. from invasion and hostile takeovers from foreign agents and entities.
V. It is alleged that the procedures used by the Government to implement Title 11 USC Chapter 7 violate the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and enable unlawful search and seizure.
VI. It is alleged that the procedures used by the Government to implement Title 11 USC Chapter 7 violate the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in that the procedures deny life, liberty, and property without due process of law; and often take private property for public use without just compensation.
VII. It is alleged that the procedures used by the Government to implement Title 11 USC Chapter 7 invade privacy, are invasive and abusive.
VIII. It is alleged that often the requirements of Title ll USC Title 3 Subchapter 1 Section 301 (voluntary) and 303 (involuntary) are not adhered to and a "voluntary" petition is filed under threat, duress, or proxy when the petition is actually being filed as an "involuntary" petition.
IX. It is alleged that in addition to Item VI and VII above, Title 11 USC Chapter 7 is implemented using "Game Theory" and trickery and "high tech confidence games" to force the filing of the petition, often by proxy, and enable theft of property outside judicial process and allegedly for Title 50 USC 2201 Spoils of War Acquisitions.
X. It is alleged that Title 11 USC Chapter 7 is implemented for Title 50 USC 2201 Spoils of War Acquisitions only.
XI. It is alleged the debtor serves an indeterminant sentence which includes blocking efforts of the debtor to consider "reaffirmation of the debt," forced relocations, denial of residence or a home, becomes a "stateless" person, and enables violations of Title 18 USC 1513 by third parties who deny the debtor income furthering the nonpayment of the debt and delaying or eliminating the ability of the debtor to pay the debt without due process of law, without notice of whether or not the procedures are intended as though the debtor was charged pursuant to the criminal laws of the U.S. without such notice being discussed by court or counsel and therefore should be adjudicated and the procedures as implemented as of 2012 determined unconstitutional.
We, the signers of this Petition to "Repeal Title 11 USC Chapter 7 U.S. Bankruptcy Code" submit to Congress a request to Repeal Title 11 USC Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code as it is implemented unconstitutionally.
In lieu of immediate Repeal, We, the signers of this Petition submit to Congress a request to study the methods used to cause a Petition to be filed whether voluntarily or involuntarily and determine whether Title 11 USC Chapter 7 should be repealed, or whether certain cases should be authorized to proceed to challenge the procedures and seek a decision to declare Title 11 USC Chapter 7 unconstitutional in U.S. District Court, forthwith.
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The Repeal Title 11 USC Chapter 7 U.S. Bankruptcy Code petition to USA was written by Deborah L. Hirshberg, MPA/JA and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.