United States Senate
United States of America

FATCA is an oppressive policy that just brings more trouble to US Citizens. The USA Along side France is one of the only countries that taxes their citizens, even if they live abroad. These taxes can be high and can cause problems related to income and heritage.

US citizens should be able to live abroad without being taxed and controlled by the government all the time. Furthermore, FATCA is causing the USA to lose citizens. Even if they don't want to, people are forced to give up their passports in order to financially prosper.

We need to end this policy which oppresses Americans and creates an unwanted big government atmosphere.

We, the undersigned, believe FATCA is an oppressive and unnecessary policy which should be dissolved.

We are encouraging our Senators to help repeal this policy and bring financial peace to Americans living abroad.

The Repeal FATCA: Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act petition to United States Senate was written by Frederic Clavien and is in the category Government at GoPetition.