- Target:
- University at Albany's Offices for Student Success and Conflict Resolution for Lesser Penalty
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.albany.edu
On December 18, 2009 University at Albany student, was Disciplinary Suspended from the University for two years because he was found in the possession of an alleged stolen textbook on May 9th 2009. This student had no prior infractions with the University and is one year from graduation. This student has never participated in any criminal activities at the University nor within society prior to this allegation.
On Dec. 4th 2009, a Judicial Hearing was scheduled for the purposes of him to answer the charges that he had stolen the textbook. Due to severe extenuating personal family circumstances, which led him home invariably throughout the Fall 2009 semester, he was incapable of attending the hearing to answer the charges. The board proceeded in default sanctioning him on this very basis. Regardless of his urgent family matters, he was not allowed to be re-heard by a student body. His right to be heard by an objective student body was treated as a privilege instead, taken away at their will. He advocated via diplomacy in order to retain his student right to be heard but, the University Officials did not pardon his absence.
A student and individual of good standing should be given a second chance, especially when expressing a valid reason in regards to his absence. To be suspended for a first time offense is unreasonable, unjust and unfair especially when considering he will be graduating in a year. After expressing a fundamental awareness of his mistake, Community service and/or probation, instead of suspension, is a much more reasonable, fair, just and effective manner of handling this situation.
We, the UAlbany Student & Faculty Community as signers of this petition, believe that he is a student and person of good will, intent and character.
Therefore we find the sanctions of the student Rodriguez to be unreasonably tyrannical and hereby call on the University at Albany's Offices for Student Success and Conflict Resolution, respectively, to reconsider and repeal unreasonable and unjust sanction of Disciplinary Suspension for a more reasonable, just, fair and lesser penalty of Community Service or University Probation for his alleged actions.
We believe that he and the University at Albany will achieve and benefit greater means via Community Service instead of suspension. Suggesting this we understand that there are no unsolvable issues, merely tests that grant us with chances to unveil individuals ingenuity and virtue.
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The Repeal deal petition to University at Albany's Offices for Student Success and Conflict Resolution for Lesser Penalty was written by Dannely Rodriguez and is in the category Education at GoPetition.